Sunday, August 29, 2010

Once in a Lifetime: Part 1

This summer I had the amazing opportunity to volunteer at PAASAM (Plan of Action for AIDS-victims and Social Action Movement), an NGO working to service the needs of HIV/AIDS patients in Dindigul, Tamil Nadu, South India. What I observed and experienced during my time with the organization was nothing short of a life-changing experience. This series is an attempt to document these experiences and to spread awareness of the plight of people living with HIV/AIDS in South India.

PAASAM, translated from the original Tamil, means motherly love and affection, an apt description of PAASAM’s mission to provide HIV infected and affected persons with the love and care of a mother. Under the guidance of its director, Fr. Arul Samy, O.F.M, PAASAM provides its 459 members with various support services including educational assistance, counseling services, free medications, and nutritional support.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't and still can't believe that PAASAM made such a mark in your life! Hats off for seeking such an exposure and Hats off to the 7 member Paasam staff who have inspired you with their work and their confidence.
    I had the painful experience of seeing a 6-year old boy Weslyn die of AIDS (which he contracted from his mother, who got the virus through blood transfusion)in St Joseph's Hospital, Tuticorin.


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